Preparing Kids to Go Back to School

Podcast Therapists image with three therapists and their logo

Kids are going back to school! Are your kids nervous? Mad? Excited? Proud? It all makes sense! And we are here to give you a roadmap for their transition. And yours. Tune in for our six steps to get your family through the next few weeks, starting with “Create Your Comfort Zone” and ending with “Practice Your Routine.” This is going to be hard, friends, but it will be so worth it when you can listen to Michael Barbaro as loud as you want while you’re not cleaning the house because the KIDS WON’T BE THERE!!!

Disclaimer: Please remember we are real live therapists, however this is a podcast and is not considered a therapy session. Not only because there is no co-pay but also because we can’t speak to your individual experiences. We are here to help you keep raising healthy kids. And remember, if you are an imperfect parent, we are right there with you. If you or someone you love is in immediate danger, please call your local crisis hotline or go to your nearest emergency room.